AMAZING! 3,000 Israelis from all backgrounds come together to sing Matisyahu’s ‘One Day’


In a beautiful display of solidarity, thousands of Israelis from all walks of life joined together to sing Matisyahu’s hit song, ‘One Day’ which premiered back in 2009. It’s a song filled with hope that people will overlook their differences and live in peace, and that’s exactly what happened at this event. Israelis of all faiths, including Jews, Muslims, and Christians, met in Haifa and learned the lyrics to the song and sang it in beautiful harmony.

In keeping with the theme, some of the lyrics were sang in Arabic and in Hebrew, and the rest was done with the song’s original English words.

Israel is a nation fraught with a history of war and political turmoil, both of which are really difficult for a country’s citizens. So when this group sang that, “all my life I’ve been waiting for, I’ve been praying for, for the people to say, that we don’t wanna fight no more, there’ll be no more wars, and our children will play,” it was REAL. They meant it! They weren’t just singing someone else’s lyrics. They were singing about their reality.

Kol Hakavod to Koolulam for facilitating this powerful gathering.

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