Support Miki’s Children – Fighting Cancer Together


Shlomtzion Werblowsky posted the following to Facebook on Thursday:

Please share! *Support Miki’s children – fighting Cancer together!*

The pediatric hemato-oncology ward at Hadassah Hospital is in crisis. The chief and five of his amazing doctors have found themselves in an impossible situation – working under conditions dictated by the director general of the hospital which they feel compromise patient care. Earlier this month, these six critical specialists tendered their resignation. If no adequate solution is found, my son Netanel, and the other children currently being treated for cancer at Hadassah will lose their second home and the precious resource most of us take for granted – quality healthcare in Jerusalem- will be compromised.

The parents of current and past patients at Hadassah (both those who beat cancer and those who are sadly no longer with us) have come out in loud, unwavering support of our doctors, and in particular, the chief of pediatric oncology, Prof. Miki Weintraub.

Please stand with us in support, share our message, and help our voices be heard to find a solution for our children.

Please run in Friday’s Jerusalem Marathon with a homemade armband (please make your own) with the word “מיקי” on it.

Post pictures on your wall and on our FB page הילדים של מיקי וינטראוב to show your support. Thank you!

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