Your Favorite Jewish Cookie, Now in a Popsicle!


Black and White Cookie Popsicles


1 ½ cups whole milk, divided

½ cup heavy cream, divided

2 Tbsp sugar, divided

1-2 Tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder

8 oz black and white cookies (I used an 8 ounce package of small cookies – about 2” in diameter. If you can’t find them just use a similar amount of any size cookie and follow the directions accordingly)


Divide the cookies in half – place the chocolate halves aside.

Place ¾ cup of milk, ¼ cup heavy cream, 1 tablespoon sugar and half the vanilla cookie halves into a blender. Chop the remaining vanilla halves into small pieces. Blend the mixture for 30 seconds. Pour into popsicle molds, going only halfway up. Place a few chopped cookie pieces in each mold. Add popsicle sticks and freeze till frozen.

Clean out your blender and add the remaining ¾ cup milk, ¼ cup heavy cream, 1 tablespoon sugar and the cocoa powder, along with half the chocolate cookie halves. Chop the remaining chocolate halves into small pieces. Blend the mixture for 30 seconds. Keep refrigerated till ready to use.

When the pops are frozen remove from freezer and add the chocolate mixture and a few chocolate cookie pieces to each mold. Freeze overnight.

To release the pops, hold molds briefly under hot water. Yields 8-10 popsicles.

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