11 Year Old Starts Kickstarter Campaign to Build “Beis Death Star”



Baltimore school kid, Chanan Finklestein, has created an intricate plan for a star wars themed shul, and has launched the campaign on Kickstarter. With the vision of spreading the word of the Legovitcher Rebbe, the campaign to build “Beis Midrash Kochav Hachaim” states: Brickovicker young professionals, scholars, hipsters, bikers, former superheroes, and bakers are all stepping forward, volunteering to travel via USPS to set up new homes around the globe sharing unique missions from the Rebbe. The prizes for each donation tier are creative as well, with a $180 donation getting you a room in your name. So far, he’s already raised 25% of the $1,200 he needs to get the necessary pieces.   https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/650842802/beis-death-star-the-brickovicker-rebbe-returns

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