WATCH: Ultra Orthodox Jews Sing & Dance to Pope


YWN Reports:  A delegation led by Rabbi Chaim Boruch (Edgar) Gluck visited the Vatican on Monday, and received a 45 minute private meeting with the Pope.

Rabbi Gluck who resides in Boro Park and is known for his Askanus in Klal Yisroel for the past 50 years, also serves as the Chief Rabbi of Galicia. Around a year ago, the Pope visited Krakow, and Rabbi Gluck had a private meeting with him where he brought up the destruction of Jewish cemeteries around Europe and other places in the world. The Pope said he would get involved and try and help him, and invited Rabbi Gluck to continue their conversation in the Vatican.

Rabbi Gluck was joined by his son, Zvi, the founder and Director of Amudim – an organization dedicated to helping abuse victims and those suffering with addiction within the Jewish community, as well as another Rabbi and other people.


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