“Moshe My Friend” – Written by a Friend of a Baltimore Teen Who Passed Away


The Jewish community of Baltimore was struck by tragedy in December of 2016 with the death of Moshe Moskowitz, z”l, 13, who lost his life in a horrific car accident.

Moshe was an eighth-grader in Talmudical Academy (TA) in Baltimore, where his father, Rabbi Doniel Moskowitz, has served as a rebbi for many years.

Moshe Moskowitz was known for his caring personality and his willingness to help others. He always made a point to be on the giving end and doing so without recognition.

He was an inspiration to his family and friends.

This song was composed by Yeshaya Moshe, a close friend of Moshe who wanted to make sure that Moshe’s legacy would live on.

Watch it here:

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