A Proud Grandfather Reflects on the Birth of His 2nd Grandchild – Saul Kaszovitz from Teaneck, NJ..


A little over 9 months ago, around 2 weeks before my father passed away, I was in his hospital room and confided in him that my daughter, Sara, was expecting. I impressed upon him how early it was in the pregnancy and that it was still a big secret. Naturally, the first thing he did was tell anyone who would listen – family, friends, doctors, nurses, janitors, etc. The next thing he did was tell Sara she was having a boy and that this boy would be named for him. Well, this happened last week – introducing you all to Gedaliah Yitzchak (Yitzie Gabriel). #BigShoesToFill #sararesnick

Mazel Tov and OnlySimchas to the proud grandparents and parents!

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