Important Announcement From Boca Raton, Florida Rabbis Regarding Hurricane Irma


Dear BRS Family,

These days of Elul are designated for introspection, personal growth, reflection and commitment. In addition to all the other factors motivating us during this time, we now face a potential category four or five hurricane. We pray it makes a sharp turn out to sea and that it never makes landfall on our shores.

I cannot urge you strongly enough to take this storm seriously. Please take all of the necessary precautions including securing your home, taking in outdoor furniture and objects, stocking up on food and water, setting aside flashlights and batteries, and more.

It is in challenging times such as these that we find strength as a community and that we must come together for one another. In that spirit: If you are vulnerable and infirm and unable to secure your home, please let us know so we can help you with your shutters or find someplace safe for you to stay. If you have a generator and are willing to allow people with medicine or critical items that need refrigeration to place them in your refrigerator, please let us know. If you have medicine or critical items that need refrigeration and don’t have a generator, please let us know. We will send regular updates regarding davening times as we get closer. For now, all minyanim will continue as scheduled. The Mikvah will continue to be open as per its usual schedule unless we notify otherwise.

If you have questions, concerns, need help or can offer help, please contact us at

We are seeking volunteers from each development and for BRS West to coordinate efforts to reach out to those who may need help in their development and to check on them following the storm and should we lose power. If you are willing to be a development coordinator, please email with your name, cell phone number, email and the development you live in.

Should power go down at any time and you are not able to access your emails, you are able to call our emergency hotline at 561-491-2340 and listen to any updates that we may have.

May we all remain safe and secure!

Rabbi Efrem Goldberg
Rabbi Philip Moskowitz
Rabbi David Shabtai
Rabbi Rael Blumenthal
Rabbi Josh Broide
Matthew Hocherman


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