6 Types of Distance Education


Distance education is getting extremely popular now because many people have already discovered the advantages of online learning. For example, it is easy to fit remote education in your tough schedule if you work full-time. Also, distance learning is often more specific since its goal is to provide you with the knowledge and skills of a narrow specialist.

In the situation we all are now, distance education is a savior. Many students can continue their studies with little to no disruption. They can follow the initial curriculum without any break or pause. Moreover, currently, universities are implementing distance education even for those who stick to traditional college instruction.

What Is Online Learning?

With the rapid development of technologies, online learning is an essential stage in the evolution of education. Today, it is a part of the services offered by leading universities and colleges around the world. 

Nowadays, online learning allows the necessary level of interaction with teachers and peers and encourages teamwork through all available instruments. It is a real deal for those who what to get an education at the best university but have no funds to afford relocation.

Thus, it is high time we learned more about different types of distance learning because it is expected that more and more people will start choosing this form of education shortly.

Here are they:

Video Conferencing

Distance education in the form of video conferencing is very much similar to regular classroom education. However, it provides students from different locations with an opportunity to study at their dream university or college without relocation.

There are lots of platforms allowing as many as 20 students gather for a lecture or a seminar. Discussions are possible in smaller groups. This type of distance learning is pretty similar to traditional instruction but provides greater freedom for students.

Open Schedule

The best way to try online education is to try online courses. Usually, online courses with an open schedule take from several weeks to several months during which students have to schedule their education themselves.

The lectures exist in video format and all written materials are distributed to students while they are progressing throughout the course. No hurry – everyone gets a chance to work at their own pace. However, sometimes, there are some deadlines that have to be met to get a certification. Open schedule online classes are also known as asynchronous distance learning.

Schedule Based Learning

This is a form of online education is also called synchronous distance learning. Students following this type should complete assignments according to the schedule provided in the course. No deviation is possible. Synchronization is achieved by making video and written materials available only during the specific time frame.

Even though schedule-based learning provides less freedom for students, it is often chosen as a preferred form of distance education by reputable universities and colleges. Such learning induces greater discipline in the learning process.

Hybrid Distance Education

Hybrid education requires students to follow a certain schedule with deadlines, but they are free to study at their own pace. This is a combination of the best features synchronous and asynchronous education has.

Students especially like hybrid distance learning for an opportunity to plan the upcoming assignments. They often hire an essay writer who can help them complete the assignment following all academic requirements accurately and on time.

Computer-Based Learning

Computer-based distance education relies on synchronous distance education. Students are still required to meet in a classroom or computer lab once or twice a week to demonstrate the knowledge and skills they gained on the topic. 

This type of distance education does not provide students with an open schedule. They have a certain amount of time to study the topic and a specific day when they should show up for it to be tested. Some colleges and universities practice online classrooms and computer labs though. 


This form of distance learning requires students to attend online classes having a specific schedule. They study from different resources such as video lectures, online books, DVDs, or CDs. Later, their knowledge and skills are checked through conventional evaluation such as written assignments or tests. 

This type of online learning is the most common among high schools. Students are obliged to follow a specific curriculum but also dedicate lots of effort to self-study.

Final Thoughts

Even though there are several types of distance education, the main difference between them is based on time and resources. Video conferencing, telecommunication, teamwork through Google instruments, etc. are practiced whatever type you consider.

Thus, starting a new course, it is important to pay attention whether it is schedule-based or allows freedom of planning as well as the materials offered for education. Distance education always requires you to have a stable Internet connection and a relatively upgraded computer.


Jeff Blaylock is a freelance writer who works for an online learning platform. He analyzed the increase in students requesting their services and came to the conclusion that the majority of new clientele are on distance learning. In this article, Jeff reflects on the top 6 types of distance learning and highlights their peculiarities.

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