How Long Does Viagra Effect On Blood Flow Last?


Viagra is the world’s most famous drug for sex life improvement. Viagra effects turn you into a beast in bed with a rock-hard erection, even if you have problems getting aroused in general. Here is how long the miraculous effect lasts and what defines the duration, so buy viagra Canada.

What Is Viagra

First – a bit of theory. Here are a few facts that you need to know about the legendary “blue pill”: 

  • Viagra is just a market name – the compound itself is called Sildenafil; 

  • Viagra will NOT give you an erection; it will just make it way easier to get one and maintain it for a long time; 

  • Viagra has been the most expensive sex life improvement drug back in the days, but since the patent expired in 2019, it’s way more affordable now. 

How Viagra Works 

Before we talk about the effect’s duration, you should know what causes the effect itself and how exactly the drug affects your erections. 

Viagra belongs to a PDE-5 inhibitors class of compounds. To put it simply, it destroys the thing in your body that prevents your blood vessels from enlarging and relaxation. The more your blood vessels are relaxed – the more blood can reach your penis. I believe that you haven’t slept through all your biology classes and already know that erection is defined by the amount of blood that fills your penis, right? Well, with Viagra, you open the dam to the highest possible safe point and make erection an easy task for your body. 

You basically turn your 2-lanes vein roads into a modern 16-lane highway. The effect, however, is reversible.  

How Long Does Viagra Last 

Viagra action lasts from 5 to 6 hours top, peaking in 40 minutes after the administration.  

That’s a medically proven fact numerous anecdotal reports support that. However, some people note that the effect is highly notable only in the first 3 hours. Here is the reason behind the unclearness of details in the subject: 

  1. Viagra has a lot of analogs, generic copies, look-alike bunk substances, and so on. It’s so popular and expensive that one large scale underdosed shipment (or a fake substance, in the worst case) can support the laboratory’s life for a year straight. No surprise, many malicious businesses go for it. 

  2. Viagra effects are highly individual. Several factors of your life define the duration of these effects. Even the smallest (at first sight) details can cost you an hour or two of Viagra action. Here they are, listed one-by-one: 

What Affects Viagra Effects Duration 

First of all – Viagra effects are defined by some personal traits and situations that you can’t change:

Your Age 

Younger people have better metabolism – as simple as that. With a faster metabolism, you can put the substance to action much faster, and therefore – prolong Viagra effects. 

Your Body Stats.

A 5’3 guy will need significantly less Viagra for the best effects than a 6’5 guy. Seems obvious, right? The bigger you are – the more blood vessels you have. To make more veins capable of non-stop blood flow running, you need a more significant compound dose. 

Your Health In General

Viagra’s action happens both directly and through a cascade reaction. Even minor illnesses or chronic health issues can dismantle the process, slow it down, or cut the halves’ effectiveness. 

Other effects – luckily – can be adjusted by you. If you have enough willpower and dedication to prolong Viagra action in your body, this is what you should do: 

Avoid Stress 

Viagra needs a trigger, and the more relaxed you will be, the better and more prolonged erection you will get. Viagra alone can’t give you an erection; it needs an external stimulus to do so. If you are continually thinking about the upcoming rent pay, your bosses’ new task, or political situations, you will have no erection at all. Concentrate on sex and command your penis to grow, don’t pay attention to anything but your partner at this moment. 

Keep Your Diet On Point 

Viagra is a vulnerable compound that reacts badly to specific fats from food. Especially – to trans-fats from junk food. Avoid fast-food restaurants at any cost on the day that you know you will need an erection. 

Don’t Try To Take One Viagra Pill Shortly After Another

To get the effect, you have to wait for a day or two before the previous dosage will vanish from your body completely. Viagra is NOT a cycle drug; you should take some “natural” periods between administrations. 

That’s pretty much all you can do about the duration of Viagra’s effects in a 100% safe way. However, you have one more option – to raise the dosage. 

Viagra Dosage To Prolong Effects

Viagra is usually taken in 50mg dose (one full pill), but you can raise it to 75mg to prolong the effects. Would I recommend it? Hell no. It raises the risk of side effects geometrically. However, you should be aware that both effects and side effects of Viagra are dose-dependent. 

Viagra Side Effects 

On a serious note, I have to warn you – Viagra is a dangerous compound. You mess with your blood flow and your heart. The best way to stay safe is to avoid high dosages. Otherwise, these guys are waiting for you around the corner: 

  • Blood pressure spikes; 

  • Chest pain; 

  • Elevated risk of a heart attack; 

  • Nosebleeds; 

  • Headaches; 

  • The painful pumping effect in the gym.  

Now, to sum the thing up. Viagra action lasts from 3 to 6 hours straight. You can affect the duration with a well-balanced diet, taking the substance on an empty stomach, and stay as relaxed as you can. However, you can’t affect your age, body stats, and health in general. Take your time and set everything before the day X – Viagra effects can be a useful tool at your disposal, but only if you know how to use it. 

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