Why Do Birth Injuries Occur?

Happy mother with newborn baby

When it comes to the biggest highlights in the life of a family, one of the biggest is the birth of a new child. There are many parents who look forward to getting birth to their first child for years. Other parents are looking forward to giving birth to their second or third child. When parents gaze into the eyes of their newborn baby for the first time, there is nothing quite like this euphoric feeling. All parents want is a healthy child. Unfortunately, this does not always happen.

According to Lalande Personal Injury Lawyers:

“Unfortunately when babies undergo a traumatic delivery and suffer injury, their medical complications and problems can be life-long. More likely than not, a child compromised during the birthing process will go on to suffer major neurological problems or developmental disorders, often requiring a parent to stay at home to provide full-time to care. Additionally, the injuries that the child suffers might surely diminish their future earning potential.”

Clearly, this can be devastating for new parents. Therefore, it is important for everyone to understand exactly why birth injuries might happen. There are several key points to keep in mind.

Traumatic Injuries Might Be Suffered During the Birthing Process

One of the first reasons why babies might be born with a birth injury is that they suffered a traumatic injury during the birthing process. As children pass through the birthing canal, the proportions have to be just right in order for them to make it through the pelvis. This is where some of the most common birth injuries take place.

For example, there are some babies who might sustain a broken clavicle as their second arm tries to pass through the birth canal. There are other babies who might suffer nerve damage along the way, leading to issues such as Erb’s Palsy or Klumpke’s Palsy. Even though some injuries, such as bone fractures, could heal without any complications, nerve injuries could be permanent. This could lead to serious complications for the child, leading to severe quality-of-life issues.

The Issue of Oxygen Deprivation

It is also possible that babies might suffer oxygen deprivation that leads to serious complications. Remember that babies are not able to breathe on their own until I passed through the birth canal and complete the birthing process. Prior to this point, babies receive their oxygen through the blood vessels that are in the umbilical cord. If this umbilical cord is tied up or choked off, then the baby could be deprived of oxygen. This could lead to brain damage that might be permanent.

Some Birth Injuries Are Preventable

These are just a few of the most common causes of birth injuries and complications. Sadly, many of these birth injuries and complications are preventable. It is important for all parents to make sure they ask the right questions after their child is born to make sure that he or she is healthy. Then, remember that trained professionals are available to help parents in need of assistance.

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