Online Safety Rules in the Digital Era


The online world is a vast and wondrous place, but it comes with its dangers. Here’s how you can have fun while staying safe in the digital era.

Everything to Consider for a Safe Online Experience

The online world is a brilliant place that has bought us a menagerie of opportunities and people. However, this digital realm has its demons, and there are some things that we can all do to ensure a safer cyber environment. You may not be a part of the problem, but you could be impacted by it in your life. If you’re a kind person in your day-to-day life, then being respectful online will come naturally. But there’s always for improvement! Specialists from shared several basic internet safety rules, keep them in mind, and you’ll avoid many of the nasty surprises that lurk online for the careless. There’s a lot to consider when moving around on the internet, but don’t let this overwhelm you. As you read this, you’ll realize that the main rule is a Golden Rule – treating people as you would want to be treated (while also keeping personal details to yourself).

Creating a Cyber-safe Environment.

To obtain a cyber-safe environment, we need to ensure we’re doing what we can to be more conscientious members of online communities. A safe environment is where you aren’t concerned about your personal data’s safety or the hostility other users may show you. Thanks to moderation, most of the internet can be considered cyber-safe. Still, sites without safety protocols in place are found in all corners of the Web. To ensure you are in a cyber-safe environment, look out for anyone acting suspicious or asking for details that they shouldn’t. This could be from bank details to oddly personal questions. There’re plenty of opportunities to report this and make the internet a safer place. Being vigilant to this behavior will also teach you how not to act online!

To sustain this cyber-safe environment, ensure you aren’t putting out too many details. Of course, your dating/ social media profiles need to be personal to you; there’s a difference between private and dangerous. For example, don’t include your actual address, specifics of where you grew up, or other details that could be used to harm you or steal your data. You don’t have to be cautious forever but keep yourself distanced until you know how legitimate is the person you’re talking to.

Use Technology Thoughtfully.

Being a thoughtful member of society also extends to the online realm. It would help if you always were trying to treat others how you wish to be treated. This means no harsh language towards others or giving them a hard time. You never know what someone is going through behind closed doors, and your harsh treatment could be the final straw. Spreading kindness will come back to reward you, so put into the world what you want to receive.  Being thoughtful online is supporting your friends, speaking kindly, and being open to hearing others’ stories. Doing this makes you a conscientious member of society and sustains a cyber-safe environment.

Top Internet Safety Tips!

There’s a lot that subconsciously goes into staying safe online but having a comprehensive list of tips will help you stay on track! Let’s jump straight into it.

Keep personal information professional and limited.

You never know who has access to your profile to avoid trouble and ensure what you put out there matches your work environment. A simple rule is: if you’re happy for your mum (and boss) to see it, then it’s safe.

Be careful who you meet online.

It’s easy to get caught in the moment and want to meet up with people right away but avoid this. Please get to know someone for a decent amount of time before meeting them in person. When you meet offline, make this a public location and tell close friends or family who you’re meeting, when/ where.

Make sure your internet connection is secure.

It’s easy to take a Wi-Fi connection for granted and be thankful to have found one, but is it secure? An unsecured server opens up your device to hackers or misusers of technology. If in doubt, wait until your home/ use your mobile data.

Be careful what you download.

While it may be tempting to click on links and fun ads, they can mislead to weird sites that could cause a virus on your device. Don’t click any links that an unknown (or barely-known) person sends you/anything in profiles.

Choose strong passwords.

Choosing strong passwords will protect you from hackers and others trying to access your details. A strong password will have a mixture of upper- and lower-case letters, numbers, and special characters.

Be careful what you post.

As aforementioned, you never know who can see your profile. Keep things professional and avoid sexual, inappropriate, offensive, and rude pictures/ posts.

The acknowledgment of the dangerous side of the internet can be daunting and scary. As long as you keep in mind what you’ve read here, you should be safe. Being a conscientious member of online communities, treating others with kindness, and keeping personal information to you will sustain a cyber-safe environment. We’re lucky to live in the digital era! Being able to experience first-hand technological advancements is not an honor all will be privy to. We must ensure we don’t misuse this!

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