What Is IPL Hair Removal and How Does It Compare to Other Treatments?

Woman in professional beauty salon during photoepilation procedure

In today’s world of the increasing popularity of laser hair removal treatments, there are a lot of buzzwords circulating in the beauty industry.

One of the most common phrases is something called IPL. IPL laser hair removal, IPL treatment, IPL devices.

What does it all mean? And how does it stand up to your other laser treatment options?

Let’s uncover the mystery behind this cool new hair-removal technology and see if it could be right for you.

Traditional Laser Hair Removal

First, we have the classic, that’s been around forever. Laser hair removal.

Laser hair removal has been around for a bit of time, and for good reason. It works by using a machine that shoots a literal laser deep into your hair follicle. This removes the hair completely and quickly. 

It also weakens the follicle, making it harder for hair to grow back. When hair does grow back, it’s usually thinner and lighter in color. Pretty cool, right?

It has proven to be very effective for people with all skin colors and hair types. It does work best on those with fair skin and dark, coarse hair, due to the nature of the laser.

It does take a few separate rounds at the beginning and doesn’t promise permanent hair removal. You will have to go back for some treatments every 6 months to a year.

Professionals Only

Laser hair removal has to be done at a dermatologist or a spa that specializes in it. As you can imagine, this gets pretty pricey after the numerous visits you’re going to need to make.

It can become a bit of a hassle to get an appointment that works with your schedule, and then you’re limited to normal business hours.

That’s why people seek a more affordable and accessible option for their hair removal needs.

What is IPL?

IPL (short for Intense Pulsed Light) has a slightly different take with a similar end result. And it’s not technically a laser.

It sends scattered light into a larger surface area. This light zaps the pigment out of your hair at the root, having a similar effect to a laser treatment you may get at the dermatologist. Instead of burning up the follicle, it sends a bright light into the pigment.

See the difference?

More Customization

One of the biggest advantages that IPL hair removal boasts over regular laser hair removal is that it offers a range of customizations. Everyone’s hair and skin are different. Lasers don’t always take that into account.

You can adjust the settings on your IPL laser to get one that works best for you. 

More Accessible

The best part about IPL is that it’s far more accessible than laser hair removal. You can purchase an IPL device for at-home use and use it whenever is convenient for you.

You don’t have to take hours out of your day to travel to and from a spa, making appointments weeks or months ahead of time. You can treat yourself at home at any time of the day in just minutes.

The Cost Comparison

Laser hair removal is not cheap. In fact, it’s quite the opposite.

A single laser hair removal appointment can cost around $300, depending on where you get the treatment done. And you will need to have more than just one treatment.

An IPL device costs less than that and can be used repeatedly. The cost doesn’t even compare.

Which One Sounds Best to You?

When you weigh the pros and cons, which one fits your lifestyle and your needs best?

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