Make Your Wedding Memorable with a Wedding DJ


Indulge me for a minute dear reader. You see, I have a confession to make. Ever since I was young, I’ve been in love with being in love. It’s true, I am a pure romantic who is about as sentimental as they come. So when it comes to the topic of weddings, I can’t help but feel a little emotional. To me a wedding is sacred, it’s a ritual meant for you to declare your undying love to someone in front of everyone important to you. 

It’s something so spiritually brilliant, so spiritually nourishing, that we’ve all collectively agreed it’s one of the most universally important moments in a person’s life. And because of that, it should serve to reason that we should strive to make every aspect of our weddings, as perfect as possible?

From mood to the venue, from stem to stern it’s so important for us to make everything just right for our weddings, that honestly, it wouldn’t be ridiculous to think about it as a form of self-care. I mean, if it’s our special day? Shouldn’t we have anything and everything that our heart desires? If it’s about us, then let’s make it About Us! Am I right?

If we want a certain venue, then let’s get that certain venue! If we want flowers of a certain color, then let’s get those flowers. We only have about a hundred years on this earth, it is crucial to our happiness to live it in the way that you want to live it! Now with all that in mind, you’ve got a pick for the venue, you’ve got a pick for the theme. It seems like you’ve got a pick for everything, but let me ask you something. Do you have a pick for your wedding dj

I know it may seem totally out of left field to bring this up, but it’s a topic you may not initially consider, and I would be remiss in not treating it as an imperative to impress upon you the importance of that decision. Although it may not be evident in the planning stages of your wedding, the reality of the situation is that when you’re hiring a DJ you’re giving them complete and total control of the vibe of your reception. There is nothing worse than being stuck listening to music you hate. Now imagine, that you’re doing that on one of the most important days of your life? It’s unconscionable! 

When planning your nuptials, do yourself a favor and start doing some research on people who could potentially DJ your wedding early on. That way you can create a Rolodex of your preferred candidates, while simultaneously generating a list of backups in case of any miscommunication, or snafus. 

Our relationship with music is one of the most important, special, and impactful things in our lives. When you connect to a song you are connecting with someone in a way that goes beyond borders or boundaries. Music melts through our inhibitions and hits us in such a core place that the impact it has on us is profound. In some ways, the music we listen to is integral to the way we define ourselves in society.

So with that in mind, and given the fact that we’re dealing with something of such a resoundingly sacred nature. I feel that I have to implore you. Don’t just hand over the aux to some random person! Do your research! Make sure that this is someone who will play the music you want to hear! When it comes to something as big as a wedding one has to make some serious considerations. One of which is. What kind of memories do I want to have of my wedding? Do I want to think about listening to all the songs that make me scream and cry while celebrating the joy of life with the people closest to me? Or do I want to leave the music selection to chance, and run the risk of listening to whale song, and Tuvan throat singing for six hours? Personally speaking, I think we all know what call I would make, but now I must pose the question to you, dear reader. During you’re special day, are you content with just accepting whatever playlist comes your way? Or do you want a larger degree of say in the matter? Will you sit complacently? Kidding yourself that it’s fun that your bargain basement DJ has played “Isn’t She Lovely” for the eighth time tonight. Or will you stand tall, stick to your guns and do the necessary legwork necessary to give your special day the soundtrack it deserves? The choice is yours dear reader. I only hope that you make the right one!

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