Mazel Tov Juli on Your Aliyah from Woodmere to Ra’anana!


Posted on Nefesh B’Nefesh

“I’m from Woodmere, NY. My family has been coming ever since I was little and three years ago, a job fell into my dad’s lap and he was like, ‘Ok! That’s it, we’re going home!’ He got the job three years ago in June and they left that August. I still had my senior year so I stayed behind with my aunt and uncle.

Now I’m doing Sherut Leumi-National Service. I am a nurse’s assistant in the Pediatric surgery ward. Next year I want to study nursing or something in medicine. Originally, I was going to volunteer in an elementary school but that didn’t work out, which is totally fine because now I am following a path. I’ve learned a lot of Hebrew along the way. In the beginning, in the hospital, I they kept saying the word ‘Achot’ and I thought they were asking about my sister! I was so confused until I realized that it also means ‘nurse’! I’m ready to make Israel my home. I feel like I am home.”

– Juli Gershbaum NBN ’16
Woodmere –> Ra’anana


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