How Nature-Pharm Israel CBD Works


How Nature-Pharm Israel CBD Works

Everyone who is using CBD or is thinking of using CBD should know how it works? After Rafael Meshoulam, the ‘father of THC,’ isolated THC and elucidated the entire cannabidiol structure, he was curious about how the THC molecule would affect different people. Thus, one pure THC. A few of his friends felt ‘strange, in a different world,’ while some couldn’t stop talking or giggling. While the scientist now understood that cannabis compounds result in different reactions, it wasn’t until years later that we would figure out why. Here is a look at why all cannabis (marijuana or hemp derived) products affect people differently and how CBD works: 

It’s Genetics, Biochem, and all so much more.


The working of CBD depends mainly on genetic makeup. About 20% of the population has good endocannabinoid genetics. These people were born with a genetic mutation that increases the level of endocannabinoids and levels of anandamide (the so-called bliss molecule) naturally occurring in their system. As a whole, the endocannabinoid system is partially responsible for regulating sleep, appetite, mood, motor control, immune function, pleasure, pain, reproduction and fertility, memory, and temperature regulation. When someone consumes cannabis, the cannabinoids, like THC and CBD, replace the naturally occurring endocannabinoids in your body. Thus, if you are among the lucky few that have this genetic mutation, you are most likely less inclined to feel the effects of CBD because your body already naturally produces a similar result.

Men vs. Women

Cannabidiol products affect males and females differently. CBD works differently in males and females. Research shows that estrogen makes women more sensitive to cannabis. That time of the month? Washington State University found that women are impacted more by THC a day or two before ovulation because of the peak in estrogen levels.

Unique Biochemistry

Biochemistry, the study of chemical substances and vital processes occurring in living organisms, is yet another explanation of why people react differently to CBD products. No two individuals have the exact biochemical makeup, affecting the way substances metabolize throughout our system. The health of one’s endocannabinoid system plays a significant role in this. As previously mentioned, the human body naturally produces endocannabinoids—things like diet, stress, and overall lifestyle influence endocannabinoid levels. When consuming cannabis products, you are increasing endocannabinoid levels. For individuals with deprived levels, cannabis consumption will most likely produce a good experience. In contrast, someone with healthy endocannabinoid levels might not “feel” the effects of CBD or other marijuana products.

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