Mazal Tov!


An MDA medic delivered his first baby and a second one and about an hour later
It was the night between Saturday and Sunday, when Eran Lapel (24), a volunteer who rides an MDA Medicycle, was called to the Saad family’s home in Yanuh village, Western Galilee, to Panar, who was unable to give birth in a hospital, as her birth progressed rapidly. A few minutes after Eran arrived, the baby was born healthy and immediately began to cry.
Less than half an hour later, Eran, who lives in Kfar Vradim, was called in to another case of a woman who was about to give birth in her home in Kisra village. Eran got on the MDA Medicycle and arrived within a few minutes. There, the birth was in an advanced stage, and the baby was on its way out. The baby’s father, Suleiman Sallah Ali, is a trainee in an MDA emergency medicine course. “I never imagined that I would have to apply the things I learned in the MDA EMTs course before the end of the course, at the birth of my wife,” said Suleiman Sallah Ali. “It can happen to anyone, and this case has proven to me how much medical training I acquire is important, and can be critical at such moments in life. ”
After medical examinations, and when in good condition, the two babies were evacuated by MDA MICUs to the “Galilee” medical center in Nahariya. “I have been volunteering in Magen David Adom since the age of 15. For a number of years, I have treated the sick and injured, performed CPR and saved lives but never before delivered babies.” said MDA EMT Eran Lapel “The first baby I received as a medic on a MDA Motorcycle was very exciting for me, and the second birth that came less than half an hour later was just as powerful and joyful.”

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