Jewish Leaders Urge US Attorney General to Take Action on Bomb Threats


The JCC Association of North America has sent a letter to U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions urging him to take more immediate action to advance the investigation into the ongoing wave of bomb threats against Jewish community centers across the continent.

“We are frustrated with the progress in resolving this situation,” stated the letter, which was signed by 141 JCC leaders. “We insist that all relevant federal agencies, including your own, apply all the resources available to identify and bring the perpetrator or perpetrators, who are trying to instill anxiety and fear in communities across the country, to justice.”

Wednesday’s letter came on the same day that JCCs in Colorado, Delaware, Connecticut and the Canadian city of Vancouver received bomb threats, and a day after a dozen such threats against JCCs and Jewish day schools across North America. Since the beginning of this year, more than 100 bomb threats have targeted Jewish institutions continent-wide.

Doron Krakow, president and CEO of the JCC Association, said that JCCs play a vital role as the centers for Jewish life in their communities and urged Sessions to be a partner in combating the bomb threats.

“JCCs have demonstrated incredible resilience over the past several weeks, relying on long-practiced measures to ensure that we can safely and effectively serve communities across the continent,” Krakow said. “We will not allow anti-Semitism to get in the way of our providing our invaluable programs, and we urge Attorney General Sessions to be an even stronger partner to us.”

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