This is the Reason You Need to Make Sure Your Spouse Makes his Bed

An unmade bed with white linens and a lamp in the corner.; Shutterstock ID 197136716; PO: MC for TODAY

Intent on making 2017 your Best Year Ever? We can help with that, thanks to our 2017 Coach of the Month series.

One of the quickest and easiest ways to make a big impact on the overall neatness of your bedroom is to just take a few minutes and make your bed. I know, I know — pretty much everyone hates making their bed. You don’t see the point, since you’re just going to get back in it later. Or you’re rebelling against a childhood of being made to make the bed every morning. Or you think your bed needs to “breathe” and not making it is the way to accomplish that. There are a million excuses not to make your bed, and I have heard them all.

Taking a moment to straighten up your bedding creates an orderly and neat focal point in what might be an otherwise messy disaster.
But consider the potential positives: for one, taking a moment to straighten up your bedding creates an orderly and neat focal point in what might be an otherwise messy disaster. And even though a made bed doesn’t magically turn the rest of your bedroom clean, it can help you to focus on the potential of a clean room, as well as giving you a home base to work from when you do start working on everything else in the room.

There’s also the fact that seeing a made bed can serve as a kind of reassurance that your mess isn’t permanent; it’s changeable, and it’s entirely under your control. Exerting a small amount of control over the chaos by quickly straightening up your bed can be pretty empowering as an indication of what you’re capable of accomplishing with just a small amount of effort.

Those who make their bed reported getting a good night’s sleep at a higher rate than those who don’t make their bed.
There’s even scientific evidence that suggests making your bed is overall better for you and your sleep habits. A study by the National Sleep Foundation found that those who make their bed every day or most days reported getting a good night’s sleep at a higher rate than those who don’t make their bed. And if you needed any encouragement to wash your sheets more often, the study also reports that a majority of people say they get a more comfortable night’s sleep in a bed with fresh sheets.

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