This Frum Florida Teacher Live Streamed her ‘Irma’ Experience and It’s Incredible


Devorah Sisso was lucky to leave Miami prior to the devastating Hurricane Irma made landfall but she was amazed to see how the Atlanta community reached out to help the people fleeing their homes.

Devorah Sisso Stieglitz is an internationally acclaimed female Jewish motivational speaker and Torah educator, lecturing for schools and organizations worldwide. Speaking about topics ranging from Emunah Development to the spiritual energies of the Jewish months and how to tap into them, Devorah speaks to motivate and empower her listeners to access their own inner greatness and find the ability within themselves to continuously grow and accomplish.

With her charisma, enthusiasm, and deep knowledge of the topics on which she speaks, Devorah is on a mission to inspire all her listeners to get in touch with their Judaism on a more intimate level and to forge truer, deeper, and more meaningful connections with Hashem.

Watch her live stream as she discusses her thoughts on Irma, Atlanta Community and the Jewish community as a whole.

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